1. Is louisvuittonluxurybags legit?
We are legit supplier, we have been in this business since 2015. kindly Please purchase with confidence.
2. How is the quality of the replica?
grade A identical to authentic
3. Are the products shown on the website original?
The products published on our website are high-end quality identical to the original products.
4. Will my item come in a box?
Yes the items comes with box and receipt
Shipping & Returns:
1. Where are you shipping from?
from hong kong.
2. How long does the shipping take?
Now due to the pandemic shipping takes 15 days for bags but sometimes it can be less than that
3. What do you ship with?
FedEx and UPS and DHL.
4. Do you offer free shipping?
all orders are free shipping.
5. Do you ship worldwide?
Yes, we ship worldwide.
5. Do you ship worldwide?
Yes, we ship worldwide.
1. Do you accept PayPal?
Yes we do if the payment sent as friend and family.